Smoking cigarette is so pouter for some of people in almost every country in the world, cigarettes have been allowed to produce and smoke for hundreds of years. There are several disadvantages of smoking cigarettes.
For one thing, smoking cigarettes seriously damages your health and the people around you. Most cigarettes smokers are facing having many diseases, especially lung cancer, which is an incurable disease. Moreover your teeth and mouth smell are bad. On the other hand, it is a waste of money to buy cigarettes. For instance, it you smoke a packet of cigarettes per day, so you have to spend at least one how much will you spend for ten years. It you are and unmarried cigarettes smoker, it will be very difficult for you to find partners because most girls don`t like smokers. Sometime smoking cigarettes is considered to be rude in some places ore trains, in cars, on buses and in markets. Smokes are always being insulted in some places wrench are not allowed to smoke.
Finally, I think that smoking is for our health and a waste of time and money, so cigarette smokers should give up as soon as possible.
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